but trying to keep it under control. Its a different kind of addiction from the normal ones - it doesn't harm your health, it is actually very good for your well being. What is it? Its beadaholicism. It can take a variety of forms, depending on the severity of the condition - in my case it manifests itself in the form of a compulsive desire to make stunning, brightly coloured lariats which will transform any outfit. I love seeing them take shape and seeing what works in terms of the different textures and colours. I think this is a rare condition because I have not come across lariats such as these anywhere else, as you can see on my website: www.lariats.co.uk
If you have a similar passion for anything creative - PLEASE let me know so that I feel better about this! It may be other forms of jewellery making, knitting, scrapbooking. Just tell me - I'd LOVE to know what it is about it that draws you to it and why you get excited about it.
If you have a similar passion for anything creative - PLEASE let me know so that I feel better about this! It may be other forms of jewellery making, knitting, scrapbooking. Just tell me - I'd LOVE to know what it is about it that draws you to it and why you get excited about it.